New Feature: Email Autoreply

27 January 2011

New Feature: Email Autoreply

We've added a new feature to our email service which allows you to set up an auto-reply for your email address. This is most often used when you go on holidays and it means that when someone emails you that get an instant response from our mail server with your customised message in it. The original email is still received and you can reply when you get back from the holiday.

To set up the feature, login and select Email Accounts from the Email menu. When you edit one of your email accounts by clicking the edit icon, you will see the following screen:

New Feature: Email Autoreply

You will notice the new checkbox to turn autoreply on and off. When you disable your autoreply, you do not need to delete the message. Chances are you will want to reuse it next time you go on holidays!

That's all there is to it. We hope you find this feature useful, and if you have any problems please let us know.


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